


Online Seminar on Updated Codes and Regulations





More than 420 Members joined the BLA Online Seminar on Updated Codes and Regulations on 15 December 2020.


In view of the continuous development of an array of buildings, lands, planning, and related statutory requirements and administrative procedures, HKIA Board of Local Affairs held the seminar to keep Members abreast of the latest changes. The Q&A session has facilitated Members to clarify their queries, and to express their views on regulatory implementation.  


Your can review the seminar via accessing the video recording:-



Some of the powerpoint files of the speakers can also be viewed:-

PowerPoint Slide



Date:      15 December 2020 (Tuesday)

Time:     7:00 – 8:30 pm

Quotas:  500 [NO pre-registration required]

CPD Hours:  1.5

(If you want to claim CPD Hours for this event, please use your full name on ID card, with HKIA membership number, as display name, for our record)


Topics and Speakers:

  1. Latest Streamlining Approval Process Update
  • Mr Albert CHAN, Chair of Board of Local Affairs
  1. Salient Points from FSD/AP Liaison Meetings
  • Mr Artur AU YEUNG, Member of Board of Local Affairs
  1. Combined AC Platform with Balcony/Utility Platform and Related Issues
  • Mr Kelvin IP, Chair of Buildings and Lands Committee
  1. Building (Minor Works) Regulations - Air Duct, Fire Damper, etc
  • Mr Clement CHU, Member of Buildings and Lands Committee


ZOOM link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82799892248?pwd=QlhHbDl0cmVaTS9jU3E4Q09BRm5uQT09 

[ZOOM ID827 9989 2248 Password757738]