


CPD Seminar: Unleashing the Potential of openBIM

Language: Cantonese supplemented with English

CPD Hours: 1.5 hours

Admission: Free

Quota:  Zoom: 1000 Persons   In Person: 80 persons   (First-come-first-served)

Delivery: Hybrid (Pre-registration required)

HKIA is excited to invite you to a seminar that aims to explore the world of openBIM. The event, titled "Unleashing the Potential of openBIM" promises to be an enlightening experience for all participants. 

openBIM represents a collaborative approach to Building Information Modeling (BIM) that emphasizes interoperability, data exchange, and seamless collaboration among stakeholders throughout the entire lifecycle of a construction project. It breaks down barriers and enables diverse software applications to work together, fostering efficiency, accuracy, and innovation in the architecture industry.

During this seminar, speakers will delve into the key concepts and advantages of openBIM, shedding light on its transformative potential for the architecture sector, as well as sharing the insights, practical examples, and success stories of openBIM implementation in real-world projects.

Don't miss this opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of openBIM and join the conversation about transforming the AEC industry. We look forward to welcoming you to this remarkable event.


Moderator & Speaker :
Ar Prof Ada FUNG, BBS,
President of HKABAEIMA cum
Chair of Hong Kong Chapter of buildingSMART International
Former Chair of CIC’s Committee on BIM

Ar David FUNG, HKIA,
BSI Committee Chairman, HKABAEIMA, Hong Kong Chapter of buildingSMART International

Dr Calvin Kam, bSI Fellow,
Founder & CEO, Strategic Building Innovation (SBI) bimSCORE Limited


Co-organised by HKABAEIMA