


CPD Seminar: Building a Sustainable Future: Embracing ESG in the Building Industry

Date: 27 June 2024 (Thursday)

Time: 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Language: English supplemented with Cantonese


CPD Hours: 1.5 hours


Admission: Free


Quota: In person: 80 Persons

              Zoom: 1000 Persons


Delivery: Hybrid (Pre-registration required)




Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles have emerged as a crucial framework for evaluating and promoting sustainable practices across various sectors in recent years. The building industry, being a significant contributor to environmental impact and societal development, finds itself at the forefront of this movement. This seminar aims to shed light on why ESG considerations are vital for the building industry, how companies can become ESG endorsed, and explore the future landscape of ESG within this sector.



•Understanding the importance of ESG in the building industry and the future trends and opportunities in ESG

•Gain insights into the tangible benefits of embracing ESG principles within the building industry.

•Practical strategies to become an ESG-endorsed company

•Navigating the challenges while adoption the ESG and the effective strategies for overcoming these obstacles, such as stakeholder engagement, resource allocation, and adopting innovative technologies.


We believe participants will leave with a deeper understanding of the importance of ESG in the building industry, practical strategies to implement ESG principles, and the knowledge and networks necessary to navigate the evolving ESG landscape successfully.  To secure your place at this enlightening seminar, please REGISTER NOW.


Who is ESG Consortium

The ESG Consortium is dedicated to promoting environmental, social, and governance (ESG) practices and encouraging participation, particularly from small and medium-sized companies across various industries. They offer an affordable, accountable, and actionable ESG benchmark that incentivizes SMEs to excel in their sustainability efforts.