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Fundamentally Hong Kong? —— DELTA FOUR 1984 - 2044

“Fundamentally Hong Kong? —— DELTA FOUR 1984 - 2044”
The 14th International Architecture Exhibition of la Biennale di Venezia

Fundamentally Hong Kong – DELTA FOUR 1984-2044,
An Innovative Cross-disciplinary Collaboration Between Architecture and Films

(Venice, Italy, 5th June, 2014)
“Fundamentally Hong Kong? —— DELTA FOUR 1984 - 2044” (建基香港 - 三角四方 1984 -2044) at the 14th International Architecture Exhibition - la Biennale di Venezia held its official opening today in Venice, Italy. It is expected that the two-day opening event will attract hundreds of professionals, media and elites from all over the world.

The Hong Kong Institute of Architects (HKIA) and the Hong Kong Arts Development Council (ADC) have joined hands to showcase the art of Hong Kong architecture at the 14th International Architecture Exhibition – la Biennale di Venezia since 2006, with sponsorship from “Create Hong Kong” office of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) since 2010. “Fundamentally Hong Kong? —— DELTA FOUR 1984 - 2044 ” (建基香港  三角四方 1984 - 2044) will be staged from 7th June to 23rd November in Venice, Italy. This exhibition will feature four new short films as well as eight architectural models, along with a series of symposium for the new paradigms of the cities. The exhibition is curated by Mr. Alvin Yip (curator of “VICE VERSA: displacing acts, lives & thresholds of a hyper city” in 10th  International Architecture Exhibition - la Biennale di Venezia in 2006), Dr. Doreen Liu (Adjunct Associate Professor, School of Architecture, Chinese University of Hong Kong and Founder of NODE) and LWK & Partners (led by Mr. Ivan Fu).

The curatorial team has developed a first-ever cross-disciplinary collaboration between architecture and films for the exhibition. The theme is created upon the remarkable development of Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta (PRD) region in last 30 years since the signing of Sino-British Joint Declaration in 1984. During the period, the Mainland China has undergone revolutionary economic reform, with different kinds of architectural infrastructure and social mobility developed rapidly. The curatorial team aims to promote imaginative discussion and re-thinking of the social and cultural facilities in Hong Kong and the PRD, and perhaps new possibilities, for the next 30 years.

Opening Ceremony (5th June, 2014)

In alignment with “Fundamentals”, the theme of the 14th International Architecture Exhibition - la Biennale di Venezia this year, the concept of “Fundamentally Hong Kong? —— DELTA FOUR 1984 - 2044” (建基香港  三角四方 1984 -2044) is to stimulate immediate human sentiments via short films. Four short films captured, through human eyes, stories and people who live and move among these emerging locales and systems which are closely connected to human life and arouse emotions of audience.

Guests are invited to officiate and attend the Opening Ceremony of “Fundamentally Hong Kong? – DELTA FOUR 1984-2044” at the 14th International Architecture Exhibition - la Biennale di Venezia. They are as follows:

- Ms. Ada Fung Yin Suen, JP, President of Hong Kong Institute of Architects
- Dr. Wilfred Wong Ying Wai, SBS, JP, Chairman of Hong Kong Arts Development Council
-  Mr Li Ruiyu, China Ambassador to Italy
- Ms. Linda, Lai Wai Ming, JP, Special Representative for Hong Kong Economic and Trade Affairs to the European Union
- Curators - Mr. Alvin Yip, Dr. Doreen Liu and Mr. Ivan Fu
- Film directors - Mr. Tsim Ho-tat, Mr. Wong Siu-pong and Mr. Ng Ho-yin

Representatives of the exhibitors including, Herzog+de Meuron, TFP Farrells, Hong Kong Housing Authority, School of Architecture of Chinese University of Hong Kong, Nansha Original Design Enterprise (NODE), Urban Planning & Design Institute of Shenzhen, LWK & Partners (HK) Ltd. and Ove Arup & Partner HK

Remarks: Film director - Ms. Heiward Mak Hei-yan, representatives of the exhibitors - China Academy of Urban Plannings &Design and Hong Kong Architectural Services Department cannot attend

Ms. Ada Fung Yin Suen, President of HKIA said, “In recent years, interaction between Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta has been growing rapidly. Through the participation in the Venice Biennale, Hong Kong is delighted to share with the world her influence and accomplishments in the fields of architecture, social and cultural development. The exhibition offers an invaluable international exchange platform for all to learn from the past and prepare for the future.”

Dr. Wilfred Wong Ying Wai, Chairman of ADC said, “We have witnessed the advancements made by Hong Kong architects over the past 8 years through our participation in the Venice Biennale.  Looking ahead, we are determined to promote the art of architecture in the region and to help in the development of the creative industry as Hong Kong’s edge.”

Mr. Alvin Yip, the curator of “Fundamentally Hong Kong? – DELTA FOUR 1984-2044”, said, “This is exactly what makes the urbanization of Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta interesting. In response to the theme of Fundamentals put forwarded by Rem Koolhaas, we want to tell the world that architects are not necessarily hero or celebrity, but facilitators of civil society. Therefore we start with stories and movies, and then a corresponding selection of architects and works on the ground. To put on stage those practices respond to real life, and those conveyed architecture as a form of collective wisdom”

Dr. Doreen Liu, curator of this exhibition thought that it was important to include the Pearl River Delta in the exhibition as it reveals the unique characteristics and influence of Hong Kong. “when we look at Nansha, Qianhai and Hengqin, those in the Co-operation Demonstration Zones of Guangzhou, Hong Kong and Macau, we see if the development only for the sake of development, or just a means to drive up the GDP, without concerning well-being of the society, unique identities of these cities, and their consensus of future collaborations, I am afraid that the consequence of the development will lead to all look-alike faces of these cities, “vulgar tycoon” architecture and senseless civic life. It may look grand from outlook, but without content of life inside. The true power of the region has to lie in both external presence and internal strength. It is time for architecture and city to resume the concern and discussion of humanity.” she said.

Mr. Ivan Fu, who is also the curator of the exhibition, said, “Hong Kong is now in the midst of chaos. But the development of Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta will affect the lives of more than 100 million people. This is something we have never seen in history and geography. When we look back 30 years from now, in spite of all the chaos, we will realize that this is the golden age - a time of creativity. How Hong Kong architecture responds to the anxieties and the conflicts among us, and how it withstands this great tension. These questions should inspire a lot of latecomers. ”

International Salon (6th June, 2014)

After the Opening Ceremony, the exhibition will invite international architectural and cultural leaders to join the International Salon on 6th June. At the international salon, speakers are invited to discuss how Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta influence each other mutually in the future and how they affect the architecture and cultural livelihood of Hong Kong.

Details of the International Salon are listed below:

Session 1 Social Asia
Time 1:00pm - 2.15pm
Speaker Commissioners, curators and exhibitors of all Asian pavilions with Hong Kong curators Alvin Yip and Doreen Liu
Guest respondents incl. Alfredo J. Brillembourg & Hubert Klumpner, Nikolaus Hirsch, Rahul Mehrotra, Ronald Wall and more

Session 2 Lost in West Kowloon
Time 2:30pm - 3:45pm
Speaker Terry Farrell, Norman Foster, Colin Fournier, Charles Jencks, Mark Wigley with Hong Kong and Mainland China architects, planners, film directors and Hong Kong curators Alvin Yip and Doreen Liu

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Released on behalf of “Fundamentally Hong Kong? – DELTA FOUR 1984-2044” at the 14th International Architecture Exhibition - la Biennale di Venezia by Blink Events & PR Consultants Ltd

For media enquiries, please contact the appointed PR Agency:

Ms. Brenda Wong Ms. Kim Tsang
Tel : +852 3590 5311 Tei : +852 3610 6212
Fax: 3598 5218 Fax: 3590 5218

For the press kit and photos, please download at

For general administrative matters, please contact the Organizer:
HKIA Secretariat Ms. Sarah Tam
Tel: +852 2805 7335 or 2511 6323

For curatorial matters, please contact Curatorial Team:
Project Manager Ms. Janet Lui
Tel: +852 9123 7695