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Position Papers


HKIA Statement on Queen's Pier
The Hong Kong Institute of Architects
Response to
“Proposals for Preservation of Queen’s Pier in Central and the Way Forward”
Submitted to Panel on Planning, Lands and Works of Legislative Council
by the Government in April 2007

The Hong Kong Institute of Architects (HKIA) noted the above mentioned document on 20 April 2007. The outcomes of meetings mentioned in such document were records within the Government as they were not exchanged amongst and confirmed by other attendees.
HKIA hereby reiterates that Queen’s Pier, Edinburgh Place and the City Hall, aligned in an axis, form an important ensemble, witnessing the history of Hong Kong. Thus HKIA has been advocating the respect for in-situ conservation for Queen’s Pier as the fundamental principle.

Amongst the four proposals summarized by the Government for preserving Queen’s Pier, HKIA reckons that Proposal (d)* does not fully meet the above principle, and therefore still not acceptable at this stage of announcement. This should therefore not to be misinterpreted as “……HKIA do[es] not object to this proposal ……”.

* Proposal (d) : to preserve the superstructure of Queen’s Pier and to reinstate it near the present location or at other suitable locations in the future.
** This English statement of HKIA is a translation of the Chinese Statement submitted to the special meeting of Panel on Planning, Lands and Works of Legislative Council on 23 April 2007.

The Hong Kong Institute of Architects
27 April 2007