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Position Papers


Press Release of Quality Building Award 2010

About Quality Building Award
Found in 2001 by seven building and construction related associations in Hong Kong QBA is a biennial award which aimed to acknowledge quality building teams that help construct buildings with outstanding quality.

Organizers of QBA2010
QBA 2010 is co-organized by nine professional organizations in Hong Kong, including: the Hong Kong Construction Association, the Hong Kong Institute of Architects, the Hong Kong Institute of Construction Managers, Building Division, Building Services Division and Structural Division of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers, the Hong Kong Institute of Housing, the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors, the Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency, the Hong Kong Chapter of International Facility Management Association and the Real Estate Developers Association of Hong Kong. For more information about QBA and QBA2008, please visit the offical website at

Theme: Quality Transcends Time


Key dates:

7 July 2009 – Kick off press briefing

15 January 2010, 12noon – Nomination Deadline

February 2010 – Site Visits

April 2010 – Finalist Presentation to Jury Panel*

June-July 2010 – QBA 2010 Award Presentation Banquet *

Press Release of Quality Building Award 2010