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HKIA Press Statement in Response to Approval of Funding for Dismantling and Reassembling Queen's Pier by LegCo Public Works Subcommittee at its Meeting held on 23 May 2007

HKIA Press Statement in Response to Approval of Funding for Dismantling and Reassembling Queen's Pier by LegCo Public Works Subcommittee at its Meeting held on 23 May 2007

1. The Hong Kong Institute of Architects (HKIA) regrets the funding approval by LegCo Public Works Subcommittee despite objections raised by different bodies in the community including various professional institutes. HKIA expresses disappointment that government insists that the dismantling and reassembling of Queen’s Pier is the only feasible option, apparently disregarding the granting of grade 1 historical status by Antiquities Advisory Board (AAB).

2. HKIA reiterates that in-situ preservation of Queen’s Pier has always been our stance and is technically feasible. In the past few months, the technical representatives from government and MTR Corporation have cited various technical difficulties to explain that government’s current designs for the Central Reclamation Phase III Project (CRIII) and the various planned infrastructural works is the only technically feasible arrangement. After careful study and analysis of the technical information provided by the government through various meetings, we have found that all such technical difficulties are not irresolvable, and the government’s reasons for not revising the current infrastructural design are not at all convincing. Therefore, HKIA cannot concur with the government that dismantling the Pier and rebuilding it later is the only technically feasible option on the basis of the cited technical difficulties.

3. Our members have raised various counter-proposals to address individual technical concerns as cited by government, including slight re-alignment of MTR lines, introduction of piles to facilitate underpinning, temporary horizontal shifting of the entire pier, and introduction of an artificial lake connected to Victoria Harbour in front of Queen’s Pier for discharge from the underground box culvert. We believe that these counter-proposals are all possible solutions to resolve the cited technical difficulties and may help save construction time and costs. While there is no evidence of the government giving due consideration to these suggestions, we see instead the government rushing and pressing the LegCo to approve the funding for the dismantling and re-assembly of the Pier, while presenting to the public that it is the only technically feasible option.

4. Since AAB has already graded the Pier as grade 1 historical status on 9 May 2007, the government has assumed the responsibility to demonstrate to the general public that it has rendered its best endeavours to preserve Queen’s Pier. However, after the decision of AAB on 9 May 2007, we see no action from government on exploration of alternative infrastructural designs or other innovative methods to preserve the Pier in-situ. For such misguided approach, the government owes AAB and the general public a good explanation.

HKIA urges the government not to dismantle the Pier in the absence of irrefutable evidence that the dismantling and re-assembly of it is the only technically feasible option for conservation of the building.

The Hong Kong Institute of Architects
7 June 2007

Please click here to download the HKIA Press Statement in Response to Approval of Funding for Dismantling and Reassembling Queen's Pier by LegCo Public Works Subcommittee at its Meeting held on 23 May 2007