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Awards & Competition
HKIA Annual Awards 2018/19 Exhibition & Terrarium Workshops - City Fabric

‘City Fabric’ – Curatorial Statement

Undulating ribbons of fabric reveal the awardees and finalists this year at the HKIA Annual Awards, as they rise from the ground, creating new heights of architectural excellence.

The chosen projects exemplify Hong Kong’s multi-faceted beauty; demonstrating multiple, yet equally spectacular, angles of our city’s built environment. Paired together with our terrarium workshops that call attention to the greenery around us, we hope the public can recognize, and further appreciate, the very unique city fabric of Hong Kong.

Every piece of architecture is a unique manipulation of space and volume, texture and material, light and shadow. They are a holistic formulation of creative concepts, function and constraints such as cost, programme and technology. Each project goes through a painstaking amount of time and work, and each building is ultimately created to best possibly fit their specific context, use and the people who use them.

Through this exhibition, we hereby showcase the mastery and professionalism that is recorded in our city today, and hope that through their narratives, one can develop interest, be inspired, and aspire to help create a greater community – be it through architecture or from any other walk of life.

Javian Tang
Curator & Co-chair of the HKIA Annual Awards 2018/19 Committee


‘City Fabric’ Terrarium Workshop

Statistics show that actually a majority 66% of Hong Kong’s territory is consisted of woodland and greenery, while only 24% is actually “built” upon; Hong Kong’s “concrete jungle” impression is in fact just a small densely packed area in the midst of vast landscape! In reality, there is plenty of greenery, existing in various forms, located within our urban fabric; they are only seldom consolidated and properly presented. Together with the global trend of green and sustainability, landscape and architecture is fusing together like never before.

The series of terrarium workshops guide the participants to concentrate on the greenery around us, and aims to present a different perspective of Hong Kong’s city fabric to the audience.

Workshop Times

(1) 2 November 2019, Saturday, 11:00-13:00
(2) 2 November 2019, Saturday, 14:00-16:00
(3) 2 November 2019, Saturday, 17:00-19:00

(4) 3 November 2019, Sunday, 11:00-13:00
(5) 3 November 2019, Sunday, 14:00-16:00
Free admission, limited quota, registration required
ONLINE regisration