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Awards & Competition
HKIA Annual Awards 2010 Call for Nomination


This important announcement is made on behalf of the Annual Awards (AA) 2010 Committee.  Please be informed that Mr. FUNG Wing-kee Raymond, FHKIA, has been appointed as a Juror of AA 2010 to substitute for Mr. CHUNG Wah-nan, FHKIA, who decided to withdraw from the jury panel.

Updated: 30 December 2010

Dear Members,

On behalf of the Institute, we welcome your participation in the HKIA Annual Awards 2010. HKIA Annual Awards is organized every year to give recognition to outstanding architecture designed by our members.  The award has been established since 1965 and has been well recognized as the most important architectural award given in Hong Kong.

Hong Kong Architecture has stepped up internationally and has secured itself a major spot at the global market. We can find our fellow members’ works all over the globe, namely in China, Macau, South East Asia, Dubai, Middle East and others.

Award categories include – HKIA Medal of the Year of Hong Kong/ HKIA Merit Award of Hong Kong, HKIA Medal of the Year Outside Hong Kong/ HKIA Merit Award Outside Hong Kong, President’s Prize and Special Architectural Award. This year we have also introduced roving exhibitions. 

We are pleased to have Mr Tod Williams, Founder and Partner of TOD WILLIAMS BILLIE TSIEN ARCHITECTS, as our Overseas juror, Mr Chiu Kwong Chiu, author of many books on Beyond Chinese Wooden ArchitectureNotes on the 'Along the Qing Ming River' , as our Lay Juror this year, as well as other jury members including Past President Mr. Chung Wah Nan, FHKIA, and Professor Ho Puay-peng, HKIA, Director of the Chinese University of Hong Kong and winner of 2006 HKIA Young Architect award – Ms Helen Ho, HKIA.

We strongly encourage you to join this year’s HKIA Annual Awards to express your interest & showcase the great work and masterpieces to the community.

Yours sincerely

Julia Lau

Chairman of Annual Awards 2010 Organizing Committee

HKIA Annual Awards 2010 is now open for nomination.

For more information, please download the following competition brief for details.

Nomination Deadline:
3 January 2011 (Mon), 17:30 to HKIA Office

If you have any enquiries, please contact Ms. Alison NG of HKIA Secretariat on 2511 6323

 Please click here for Nomination Brief & Form (PDF)

Please click here for Nomination Form 0-2 (MS Word)