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Awards & Competition
HKIA Annual Awards 2012 - call for nominations
Dear Members,
We cordially invite your participating in the HKIA Annual Awards 2012. With an aim of “Build a Better Hong Kong, Promote Architectural Excellence”, we recognize outstanding architectures by local architects by awarding the HKIA Annual Awards every year. This 47-year-old award has witnessed change of Hong Kong’s architecture, growth, and development of Hong Kong’s professional architectural services.
To keep pace with change, the residential building category of Medal of the Year / Merit Award of Hong Kong and outside Hong Kong is sub-divided to high-rise and low-rise, to meet the international trend of building type. For President’s Prize, project construction cost limit is lifted to HK$50 million from $20 million. These changes can accommodate more projects to compete for the award, as a result to enhance overall standard of the competition.
May I take this opportunity to introduce to you our jury panel:
-          Mr. Kris YAO, Contemporary Architect in Taiwan
-          Dr. BONT DE Cees, Dean, School of Design, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
-          Mrs. CHENG CHAN Ching Ying Elizabeth, FHKIA
-          Mr. WANG Weijen, HKIA
-          Ms. ANG Bing Hun, HKIA Annual Awards 2010 Honourable Mention
Thanks for sparing huge efforts to participate in the judging process, which takes a week time. I am certain that the HKIA Annual Awards 2012 would be of high quality under their professional judgment.
We sincerely look forward to receiving your submission(s) in HKIA Annual Awards 2012.
Yours sincerely,
Leslie LU
Annual Awards 2012 Organizing Committee
HKIA Annual Awards 2012 nomination brief (Last updated on 6 December 2012, 18:00, on Jury Panel on P.16)