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CPD Events


Innovative Noise Mitigation Design - Acoustic Windows and 4D Virtual Reality (VR) Technologies

Date: 28 September 2020 (Monday)

Time : 7pm – 8:30 pm

Environmental Protection Department of HKSAR Government

Ir LEE Chee Kwan, Principal Environmental Protection Officer

Ms CHEUNG Ka Man Carmen, Assistant Environmental Protection Officer

Moderator     :   Ms Ada FUNG, HKIA Past President

Language         :      English

Admission        :      Free

Quota              :       500 Persons

CPD Hours      :       1.5 hours

(If you want to claim CPD Hours for this event, please use your full name on ID card, with HKIA membership number, as display name, for our record)

ZOOM ID         :       837 1215 5884 (Password 860051) (



Accommodating 7 million population in 1,100 km area, Hong Kong is a truly densely populated city where keeping traffic noise at bay is a challenge in planning new housing development. In recent years, there is still a significant growing demand for new flats. Due to such high demand of housing development and lack of spacious sites, more and more housing blocks are unavoidably put next to heavily trafficked road. Traditional noise mitigation measures, e.g. building setback, noise barrier, internal layout design, etc. are found insufficient in meeting L10(1hr) 70 dB(A) — the criteria in Hong Kong Planning Standards and Guidelines.

Environmental Protection Department is well aware of the need of innovative means to mitigate road traffic noise impacts. Through collaborations in research & development as well as project developments, Acoustic Windows (AW), have been developed and applied in public and private residential development in the past few years. Study with noise measurement found that the AW were effective in reducing the noise transmitted from outdoor to indoor environment while maintaining natural ventilation inside the premises — capable of reducing 6-8 dB(A). Adoption of the acoustic windows enables the maintaining of quiet living environment for residents and reducing operation of air-conditioning for sustainable living.

This seminar will walk you through its innovative journey and share with you updated information of AW and the experience of its applications in planning cases. To enable participants to have first-hand information, 4D VR demonstration of AW will be conducted to let participants have visual and audio experience of AW’s noise reduction effectiveness.