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CPD Events


O-Park 1 Visit Guide Tour


O Park 1--The first organic resources recovery centre, locating at Siu Ho Wan of North Lantau adopts anaerobic digestion technology to convert food waste into biogas (a source of renewable energy similar to natural gas) for electricity generation whilst the residues from the process can be produced as compost for landscaping and agriculture use.


Venue: O Park 1, Organic Resources Recovery Centre Phase 1, 5 Sham Fung Road, Siu Ho Wan, North Lantau
Date: 25 June 2022 (Sat)
Time: 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
(Gather Time: 10:30AM at Sunny Bay MTR Station)
Admission:  HK$ 60  (for insurance purposes)
29 Persons (First-come-first-served)
Each HKIA Member can bring one family member
Free shuttle service at Sunny Bay MTR Station.
Gathering time: 10:30am
Detail location will be posted later.
Private vehicle is not allowed.


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