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[Video Recording Recap] HKIA X EPD Webinar Series: Sustainable Plants, Facilities and Architecture

[Video Recording Recap]

1st of a series of 3 seminars on ‘Waste to Energy’ Facilities

HKIA X EPD Webinar Series: Sustainable Plants, Facilities and Architecture

To achieve the goals set for Carbon Neutrality 2050, Hong Kong needs sufficient waste-to-energy (WtE) facilities to handle municipal solid waste (MSW), together with promoting waste reduction and clean recycling. 
This webinar is to introduce our "Waste to Energy" Facilities in HK including O Park 1, O Park 2 and Integrated Waste Management Facilities I Park 1 by the respective Architects, and the lead consultant engineer will share the large scale off-site pre-casting and prefabrication methods in I Park 1.

Date: 5 July 2022 (Tue)

Time: 7:00-8:30PM