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[Video Recording Recap] HKIA X EPD Webinar Series: EV Roadmap in HK and EV Charging of the Future

3rd of a series of 3 seminars on ‘Waste to Energy’ Facilities

[Video Recording Recap]

HKIA X EPD Webinar Series: EV Roadmap in HK and EV Charging of the Future
Date: 26 Jul 2022 (Tue)
Time: 7:00-8:30PM


EV Roadmap in HK

Dr Benny SO
Sr Env Protection Officer (Electric Vehicle)
Environmental Protection Department

Dr. SO King-lung, Benny has been working with the Environmental Protection Department (EPD) over 20 years. Throughout the service with EPD, Dr. SO had taken up a wide range of duties covering air monitoring, hazard assessment and asbestos control.  He is currently responsible for the popularisation of electric vehicles in Hong Kong.  Dr. So received his PhD degree in Chemistry with specialization in atmospheric chemistry.  He is a chartered chemist and has also obtained the registration of asbestos consultant.

The Government announced the first ever Hong Kong Roadmap on Popularisation of Electric Vehicles (EV Roadmap) in March 2021, which set out our target to attain zero vehicular emissions before 2050, in concert with our relentless efforts to strive for carbon neutrality within the same time frame.  During the presentation, Dr. SO will introduce the key measures of the EV Roadmap such as ceasing the new registration of fuel-propelled and hybrid private cars in 2035 or earlier; promoting trials for electric public transport and commercial vehicles; as well as expanding the EV charging network in Hong Kong, etc.


EV Charging of the Future

Mr Stephen CHEUNG
Head of Digital Energy & Smart Solutions
Schneider Electric Hong Kong

Stephen CHEUNG is responsible for the business development in Hong Kong and Macau, overseeing projects such as smart energy management, energy efficiency and electric vehicle charging solutions. With years of experience in the energy management field, Stephen is a proven expert who as played an instrumental role in several large-scale government and commercial projects at Schneider Electric.

To accommodate the skyrocketing EV adoption and growing power demand from EV chargers in existing and new buildings, the webinar intends to inspire the industry practitioners to consider 3 areas when formulating their smart charging infrastructure plans:

(1) Design and plan in advance to ensure buildings have sufficient power availability for EV charging infrastructures.
(2) Consider adopting Load Sharing solutions to minimize the EV charging infrastructure’s impact on the existing power distribution system in buildings.
(3) Integrate the smart EV charging infrastructures with the uses of renewable energy in electricity generation and energy-efficient power distribution systems, to optimize the building’s energy consumption, infrastructure scalability and cost efficiency.