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[Video Recording Recap] Quantitative analysis of Building Carbon from an Engineering Perspective
Speaker: Ir William Chi-Wang WONG
Date: 10 August 2022 (Wed)
Time: 7:00pm - 8:30pm
Delivery: Zoom
CPD hours: 1.5 hours

Climate change is one of the biggest threats to humanity nowadays. A high-level target to secure global net zero emission of greenhouse gas is set in Paris agreement (COP21 in 2015) and the latest COP26 held in Glasgow. Reducing carbon emission is a crucial issue to take action instantly. Whole Life Cycle Assessment (WLCA) in construction and building industries have been promoted and implemented by professionals and other stakeholders for years.
An engineering approach to quantify the WLCA process will be shared in this presentation.
Through the quantitative analysis of embodied and operational carbon emissions in WLCA,  it helps to provide more information to all stakeholders to make an earlier decision on design and construction options, aim to restrict the impact of global warming by mitigating carbon emissions.
Engineer William Wong is a director of building engineering group in Ove Arup & Partners, Hong Kong.
He is a professional Building Services Engineer with vast experiences in sustainable engineering design and project management in multi-disciplinary engineering consultancy services.  His experiences cover a wide variety of projects, including industrial, residential, commercial and institutional projects in Hong Kong, South East Asia and Mainland China.
He was interviewed by several International and Chinese TV series and other multi-media for some of his outstanding sustainable projects.