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[Video Recording Recap] The Introduction of Compliance Assessment (CA)

[Video Recording Recap]
[Presentation slides]

Speaker: Ir. C. S. HO
Date: 31 August 2022 (Wed)
Time: 7:00pm - 8:30pm
Delivery: Zoom
CPD hours: 1.5 hours


In response to the latest development on Buildings Department’s (BD) consultancy study on “Review of the Mechanism for encouraging a Quality Built Environment through GFA Concession”, BEAM Society Limited (BSL) has implemented changes in the assessment procedures to cater for the new GFA concession mechanism to be implemented in the near future.

Compliance Assessment (CA) is introduced with the aim to facilitate the industry to offer BD assurance on the projects’ green building performance at OP stage. It offers an optional interim assessment for projects undertaking BEAM Plus New Buildings Version 2.0 (NB v2.0) before the issuance of Occupation Permit (OP).

Trail run of CA is launched in iBEAM system and applicants are welcome to provide feedback for refinement before the formal implementation of Compliance Assessment (CA). 


Ir. C. S. HO
General Manager, BEAM Society Limited

Ir C. S. Ho is currently the General Manager of BEAM Society Ltd., the Chairman of Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency, a Barrister-at-law at the High Court of Hong Kong, and an Adjunct Associate Professor of the University of Hong Kong, teaching engineering and legal subjects at both the graduate and post-graduate levels.