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[Video recording recap] CPD Webinar: Bird-Window Collision



Video Recording Recap

Date: 14 June 2023
Time: 7:00 - 8:30 PM
CPD Hours: 1.5


According to foreign studies, bird-window collision is regarded as one of the major killers of wild birds (Klem 2009, Loss et al. 2014). Bird-window collision refers to birds colliding into buildings as they are unable to perceive glass or mirror as obstacles, resulting in injuries or even death.

In this seminar, we are delighted to have the representative of HKBWS, Ms. WONG Suet Mei, to share the preliminary findings of the bird-window collision surveys in Hong Kong from 1st September to 31st December 2022, including initial analysis on spatial and seasonal distribution, mortality rate and so on.

On the other hand, how do architects respond to this issue?

Ar MK LEUNG will share the oversea standard on assessing threat factors of materials and benchmarks; building zones and elements that have high risk for bird collisions; types of bird-friendly glazing, their cost and supply chain readiness; overseas examples. Ar Dr. Tony IP will share about Ecologically Responsible Design Considerations and share overseas and local case studies on the current design practice of nature-centric design, especially bird-friendly design, in urban contexts.


Ms. WONG Suet Mei
Conservation Officer of The Hong Kong Bird Watching Society

Director of Sustainable Design, Ronald Lu & Partners 
Principal Behaviourist, Behave

Ar Dr. Tony IP, MH
Director of Tony Ip Green Architects