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[HKIA reminder] Telephone scam alert
Dear Members,
A corporate member has reported a recent phone scam to the HKIA Secretariat.
A self-proclaimed School Officer said to have been referred by a friend of the School Principal, contacted the member firm to line up a meeting to discuss their upcoming school improvement works.
The School Officer called again the following day to reconfirm the meeting, and requested the member firm to make an urgent donation supplies purchase on behalf of the school from a specific vendor, and the school would settle the payment by cheque during the meeting.
The corporate member contacted the school directly to verify, and the school replied that they don’t know this School Officer nor the mentioned school improvement works.
The Institute would like to alert members to stay vigilant and under no circumstances should personal information be disclosed to unidentified callers. If in doubt, hang up the phone immediately and report to the Police.
Thank you for your attention.
Yours sincerely,
HKIA Secretariat