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[Call for Volunteers] HKIA x HKFYG Design Charrette 2024: Re…Architecture - Sustainable Architecture Design Charrette 2024

HKIA x HKFYG Design Charrette 2024: Re…Architecture - Sustainable Architecture Design Charrette 2024

[Call for Volunteers]

The Hong Kong Institute of Architects (HKIA)  in collaboration with The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups (HKFYG) is organizing the third design charrette in July 2024.  This year with the support of Architects Regional Council Asia (ARCASIA) Ltd, CoDesign Ltd, and Architecture Commons Ltd, the Design Charrette will be held with the theme “Re…architecture – Sustainable Architecture Design Charrette 2024”. 

The Two days Design Charrette workshops will be held to explore the role of architectural design in promoting environmental education and encouraging recycling practices. We believe that through innovative architectural solutions, we can create sustainable communities that prioritize recycling, reduce waste, and foster a greener future. 

It was targeting to recruit 20 volunteers for the Design Charrette. HKIA members are cordially invited to express their interest to become a volunteer and provide guidance and on-site support to secondary school students participating in the design workshop.  In case overwhelming applications are received, volunteers will be chosen by random draws.

The Design Charrette will be held in 2 parts: (1) Detail Design  and (2) Design of a Green Community Station


(1) Detail Design


Date: 13 July 2024 (Saturday)

Time: 10am - 10.30pm

Venue: HKIA Premises & Jockey Club Stanley Outdoor Training Camp, St. Stephen's Beach, Stanley, Hong Kong

Target Audience: Local Secondary School Students

-  In the first part of this workshop will involve selecting a significant design aspect of the Green Community Station and constructing a 1:1 scale model to illustrate green community principle. Through this hands-on exercise, participants will have the opportunity to delve deeper into the practical implementation of their design ideas. By building a physical representation of their vision, they can explore the spatial layout, materials, and functionality of their chosen design aspect. This exercise will encourage critical thinking, problem-solving, and collaboration among participants, fostering a creative environment for architectural exploration.


(2) Design of a Green Community Station

Date: 14 July 2024 (Sunday)

Time: 8am - 4pm

Venue: Jockey Club Stanley Outdoor Training Camp, St. Stephen's Beach, Stanley, Hong Kong

Target Audience: Local Secondary School Students

- The second part of this workshop, we will focus on designing a Green Community Station — a multifunctional facility that serves as a hub for environmental education and recycling support. The Green Community Station will act as a central location where residents can learn about sustainable practices, gain knowledge about recycling techniques, and access the necessary resources to minimize their ecological footprint. By developing such a facility, we can create a stronger sense of community engagement and responsibility towards the environment. 

Interested HKIA members please complete and submit the below application form form by 5pm on 7 Jun 2024 (Friday).

Please refer to HKIA website ( for the Design Charrette 2023.  

For enquiries, please contact HKIA Secretariat Ms. Coly Chan or Ms. Hebe Wong at 2511 6323, or by email to .

Disclaimer: Please note that the requests for overnight volunteer accommodation are subject to room availability and other operational considerations. We will try our best to make appropriate arrangements for you, but overnight accommodation cannot be guaranteed. If we are unable to accommodate your request, we appreciate your understanding.