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HKIA Tribute to Pei 向貝聿銘致敬

Dear HKIA Architects,

We are thrilled to announce that the M+ museum will be hosting the exhibition of the renowned architect I.M. Pei at the end of June 2024. This exhibition is a momentous occasion as it honors the exceptional achievements of an American/Chinese architect who has gained international recognition and is held in high esteem for his significant contributions to the field.

To commemorate the profound impact Pei has had on our generation of architects, the Institute invites  interested members to participate in the following activities, allowing us to pay tribute to Pei's legacy:

Pei . Inspire
We invite HKIA architects to submit images showcasing Pei's work (with your own copyright) along with a brief description of no more than 50 words, highlighting how Pei's philosophy and architectural creations have inspired you. These submissions will be featured on HKIA's social media platforms,  for our community to appreciate and draw inspiration from Pei's remarkable body of work.

The Pei Me
We invite  HKIA members to share any personal stories or experiences they have had with Pei, accompanied by images featuring Pei or one of his notable works. Submissions should be around  300 words, allowing you to vividly recount your encounters and interactions with this influential architect.

The Pei Talk
In early December, we will be organizing a captivating talk centered around Pei's life and architectural achievements. Please stay tuned for the announcement of further details regarding this enlightening event.

HKIA reserves the selection right to showcase contributions we receive at HKIA's social media platforms.

For interested members, please complete below registration, and submission of materials by 12 July 2024 (Fri).