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“Fundamentally Hong Kong? —— DELTA FOUR 1984 - 2044” Hong Kong Exhibition at the 14th Venice Biennale International Architecture Exhibition

Revealing Humanity With Architectural Arts First Time Cross Disciplinary Collaborations Between Films And Architecture

【Hong Kong, 14 April 2014】Jointly organized by the Hong Kong Institute of Architects (HKIA) and the Hong Kong Arts Development Council (ADC), and sponsored by “Create Hong Kong” office of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR), “Fundamentally Hong Kong? —— DELTA FOUR 1984 - 2044 ” (建基香港 - 三角四方 1984 -2044), the Hong Kong Exhibition at the 14th Venice Biennale International Architecture Exhibition  will be staged from 7th June to 23rd November 2014 in Venice, Italy. The Hong Kong Exhibition will feature four new short films as well as eight architectural models, along with a series of symposium for the new paradigms of the cities.

“Fundamentally Hong Kong? —— DELTA FOUR 1984 - 2044 ” is curated by Mr Alvin Yip (curator of the debut of Hong Kong Exhibition in Venice Biennale International Architecture Exhibition in 2006), Dr Doreen Liu (Adjunct Associate Professor, School of Architecture, CUHK and Founder of NODE) and LWK & Partners (led by Mr Ivan Fu). The curatorial team has developed a first-ever cross-disciplinary collaboration between architecture and films for the Hong Kong Exhibition. The theme is created upon the remarkable development of Hong Kong and Pearl River Delta (PRD) region in last 30 years since the signing of Sino-British Joint Declaration in 1984. During the period, China has undergone revolutionary economic reform, and different kinds of architectural infrastructure and social mobility have been developed rapidly. The curatorial team of Hong Kong Exhibition aims to promote imaginative discussion and re-thinking of the social and cultural facilities in Hong Kong and PRD, and perhaps new possibilities, for the next 30 years.

A press conference was held today (14 April 2014) to announce details of the Hong Kong Exhibition. Highlights of the press conference were the screening of the film trailers, followed by the curators’ exciting introduction of the exhibitors and film directors. Guests presiding at the press conference include: 

  • Ms Ada Fung, President of Hong Kong Institute of Architects
  • Mr Chow Yung-ping, Chief Executive of Hong Kong Arts Development Council
  • Ms. Christine CHIE, Senior Manager (Industry Support), CreateHK, HKSARG
  • Co-curators - Mr Alvin Yip, Dr Doreen Liu and Mr Ivan Fu
  • Film directors – Ms Heiward Mak Hei-yan, Mr Tsim Ho-tat, Mr Wong Siu-pong and Mr Ng Ho-yin
  • Representatives of the exhibitors including Field Operations, Herzog+de Meuron, TFP FARRELLS, Hong Kong Architectural Services Department, Hong Kong Housing Authority, School of Architecture of Chinese University of Hong Kong, Nansha Original Design Enterprise (NODE), China Academy of Urban Plannings & Design, Urban Planning & Design Institute of Shenzhen, LWK & Partners (HK) Ltd

Ms. Ada Fung, President of HKIA said, “In recent years, interaction between Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta has been growing rapidly. Through participation in Venice Biennale, Hong Kong is delighted to share with the world her influence and accomplishments in the fields of architecture, social and cultural development. The exhibition offers an invaluable international exchange platform for all to learn from the past and prepare for the future.”

Mr Chow Yung-ping, Chief Executive of the ADC said, “To actively promote and support arts and cultural exchange is one of the missions of the Hong Kong Arts Development Council. By organizing such a large scale cultural project, we are able to showcase Hong Kong’s marvelous architectural arts in an international arena. This exhibition has demonstrated the energy and creativity of Hong Kong artists. I cannot wait to see how the curatorial team presents such a vivid experience in Venice.”

One of the co-curators, Mr Ivan Fu, remarked on the creative presentation of the Exhibition this year, “Most of the previous architectural biennales used sketches, models or even visual arts installation as exhibits. This time, we stimulate immediate human sensations via short films. This exhibition is closely connected to human life and arouses emotions of audience. Mr Alvin Yip, another co-curator, supplemented that “the four short films will capture, through human eyes, stories and people who live and move among these emerging locales and systems. Traveling through borders and crossings, land and water, home and community, marriage and departure, an experience of Hong Kong and its neighboring cities shall be intertwined in the screening. This is also the original concept building up the Exhibition title of “Fundamentally Hong Kong? —— DELTA FOUR 1984 - 2044 ”.”

Co-curator Dr Doreen Liu also remarked that “Cities like Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Hong Kong and Macau have undergone impulsion and calmness in different stages of the historical development, regardless the pace are in fast looping or slow taking, normal or unique, or overthrowing or well protecting, yet they have formed a very interesting setting which inspire us to re-think the PRD in multi-dimensions. Do architects and town planners create these contradictions, or actually initiate the competitions? We wish this Exhibition will open the dialogue through the world stage of the Venice Biennale International Architecture Exhibition, and invite the world’s wisdom, imagination and perhaps new possibilities of architecture for the PRD future.”

The Hong Kong Exhibition at the 14th Venice Beinnale International Architecture Exhibition will be exhibiting for more than five months in Venice, Italy. Apart from participating in overseas exhibitions, the curatorial team wishes to interact with local audience on Hong Kong architecture with the livelihood. A movie trailer will be released on the official website and facebook weekly to introduce each featured exhibit and the making of the short films from next week onward.


Fundamentally Hong Kong? Delta Four 1984 - 2044”,
Hong Kong Exhibition at the 14th Venice Biennale International Architecture Exhibition

5 June 2014 (Opening Ceremony)
5-6 June 2014 (Preview)
7 June – 23 November, 2014 (Open to public)
Arsenale, Campo della Tana, Castello 2126, 30122 Venice

Official Website and Facebook

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